Innovations for the packaging industry
Different innovative innovations
- Edible packaging – Edible packaging is a fascinating and creative option that reduces the dependence on non-renewable energy sources and can significantly reduce the carbon footprint, which is, in reality, what customers are searching for. Utilising materials extracted from seaweed and natural dyes utilising the skin of vegetables and fruits show lots of potential for providing the fast-food industry various options regarding colours, designs, etc. Moreover, it offers an exciting experience for consumers that goes past the packaging, seeing as they would be eating or consuming the packaging as well. You can visit wikipedia for more knowledge about edible packaging.
- Self-heating food packaging – A company called “Chengdu Weilan Enterprise” has taken convenience to a higher level by creating a self-heating food packaging design. The company created an instant mini-hotpot that makes it easier for customers to bring fresh foods while travelling or when they are in a hurry. Consumers need to fill the hotspot with any instant food that needs water to cook. This new kind of packaging design has helped open new doors for on-to-go meals that make it simpler for customers to cook without the requirement of a heat source. This product is expected to become more prevalent in the future. Currently, Chengdu Weilan Enterprise mini-hotspot is only available online in the Eastern areas. However, there is still a chance that these packaging innovations will expand to the Western regions as well in the future.
- Atmosphere packaging – Baked items can be challenging to keep fresh at home. So companies in the United States developed a modified atmosphere package that would enable customers to keep the baked products they purchased fresh for more than 30 days. Longer product life can fundamentally impact organisations’ distributing and stock control and can also be interesting to customers at home. This packaging design can help preserve different kinds of baked items from contamination and protect the baked item during shipment.
How are innovations shaping future packaging models?
The Internet of Things trend is anticipated to increase in the next few years. With interconnected gadgets, from fitness trackers to remotely controlling the heating system at home using a smartphone. Packaging could already connect to gadgets to guide customers regarding additional information about the product, for instance, the different types of ingredients that were used to create that particular product, provide dependable use-by-date information, deliver different food recipes and ideas regarding complimentary products they can buy. It also helps retailers and consumers follow up packs that are in transit. Science and technology are a never-ending force with regards to new advancements and packaging cannot avoid this trend. Packaging models in the future is anticipated to interact with customers on another level by increasing technological ability when it comes to monitoring or checking a product’s freshness and dietary value, etc.
Innovations of the packaging industry effects the recycling industry. Different recycling models created for the packages shape the recycling industry and recycling get more important for the world. For more knowledge about recycling models you can look our blog post about deposit return scheme